Civilian License

Everybody can license Civilian Framework under the terms of the Gnu Public License v3.

If you are not a military organization and not an intelligence agency you can license Civilian Framework under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.


License option (A) requires that the source code of the derived work must be made available under the same license.
License option (B) merely requires that you distribute this license notice with your application.

If you are not sure if option (B) applies to you then please contact us and we will provide license guidance.


If you are using Civilian Framework successfully in a commercial project we would like you to consider to make a donation to a non-governmental civil rights organization or an individual who is engaging for civil rights. The donated amount and the receiver is totally up to you. Thank you.

If you want to support development of Civilian Framework and want to make a donation to the project, please contact us.

Third party libraries

Civilians only required third party library is SLF4J.

The following is a list of libraries used for build, test, samples, the admin app, the documentation and this website:

Library License used by
AngularJS MIT license admin, samples
Apache Ant Apache License 2.0 build
Apache Ivy Apache License 2.0 build
Apache Tomcat Apache License 2.0 core
Jacoco BSD License test
EclipseLink Eclipse Public License samples
Freemarker BSD style core
Gson Apache License 2.0 core, samples
Guice Apache License 2.0 core, samples
H2 Mozilla Public License 2.0 samples
Jetty Apache License 2.0 core, samples
JQuery MIT license admin, samples
JUnit 4 Eclipse Public License v1.0 test
Mockito MIT License test
PC 100 Icon Pack Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 samples
SLF4J MIT license core, samples
Twitter Bootstrap Apache License 2.0 admin, samples, documentation
Velocity Apache License 2.0 core